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Good worker valves: What are the types of valves?
A valve is a mechanical device used to control the flow of fluids (gases, liquids, or semi-solid substances). Different applications require different types of valves. Below are some common types of valves.
1. 球閥:球閥使用球形旋轉開閉,通常用于氣體和液體流體控制,具有快速開關和緊密密封等優點。
1. Ball valve: Ball valves use spherical rotation to open and close, usually used for gas and liquid fluid control, with advantages such as fast opening and closing and tight sealing.
2. 蝶閥:蝶閥由圓形盤片和閥桿組成,利用閥桿軸心的旋轉來控制盤片的打開和關閉。通常用于氣體、液體或半固體物質的控制。
2. Butterfly valve: The butterfly valve is composed of a circular disc and a valve stem, and the opening and closing of the disc are controlled by the rotation of the valve stem axis. Usually used for the control of gases, liquids, or semi-solid substances.
3. 旋塞閥:旋塞閥采用旋轉平面帶突起或槽的閥芯來控制流量,可用于液體、氣體和半固體物質的流體控制。
3. Plug valve: The plug valve uses a rotating flat valve core with protrusions or grooves to control flow, and can be used for fluid control of liquids, gases, and semi-solid substances.
4. 截止閥:截止閥由閥體和閥門組成,通過旋轉閥門控制流量。通常用于氣體和液體控制,具有良好的密封性和穩定性。
4. Globe valve: The globe valve is composed of a valve body and a valve, and the flow is controlled by rotating the valve. Usually used for gas and liquid control, it has good sealing and stability.
5. 節流閥:節流閥通過縮小流體徑向來控制流量。通常用于液體和氣體流體控制,可以一定程度上降低流體的壓力和速度。
5. Throttling valve: The throttling valve controls flow by reducing the radial direction of the fluid. Usually used for liquid and gas fluid control, it can reduce the pressure and velocity of the fluid to a certain extent.
6. 止回閥:止回閥用于防止流體倒流。通常用于氣體和液體管線的控制,可將流體限制在單個方向上。
6. Check valve: Check valve is used to prevent fluid backflow. Commonly used for control of gas and liquid pipelines, it can restrict fluids in a single direction.
7. 電磁閥:電磁閥是一種電控閥門,使用電磁力來控制流體的流動。常用于汽車、機械和工業設備上。
7. Electromagnetic valve: An electromagnetic valve is an electronically controlled valve that uses electromagnetic force to control the flow of fluid. Commonly used in automobiles, machinery, and industrial equipment.
In summary, different applications require different types of valves, and there are also many intersections and overlaps between these valve types. Understanding the types of valves can help people better choose appropriate valves to meet different industrial or personal needs.
熱銷產品: 執行驅動裝置 通用工業閥門 冶金工業閥門 水利水務閥門 石油化工閥門 電力電站閥門 核電軍工閥門